
GototheGooglesign-inpageandclickNeedhelp?·Enteryouremailaddress,thenclickNext.·Enterthelastpasswordyoucanremember,thenclickNext.·If ...,WelcometoyourPasswordManager.ManageyoursavedpasswordsinAndroidorChrome.They'resecurelystoredinyourGoogleAccountandavailableacrossall ...,Manage,store,andcreatesecurepasswordswithGooglePasswordManagerandeasilysignintositesinyourChromebrowserandAndroidandiOSapps...

Google Account

Go to the Google sign-in page and click Need help? · Enter your email address, then click Next. · Enter the last password you can remember, then click Next. · If ...

Google Password Manager

Welcome to your Password Manager. Manage your saved passwords in Android or Chrome. They're securely stored in your Google Account and available across all ...

Google Password Manager

Manage, store, and create secure passwords with Google Password Manager and easily sign in to sites in your Chrome browser and Android and iOS apps.

Google 密碼管理員

歡迎使用密碼管理員. 您可以在這裡管理儲存在Android 或Chrome 上的密碼。這些密碼會安全地儲存在您的Google 帳戶中,方便您在所有裝置上使用。

Password Manager for Google

Google Password Manager is designed to let you easily manage your all passwords and sign in info. Access your passwords from anywhere.


To review and adjust your security settings and get recommendations to help you keep your account secure, sign in to your account. Sign in.

Set password for your browser ( chrome lock )

This extension will allow users to set password for the browser to avoid unauthorized access. Prompts for password on chrome startup.

Use passwords across your devices

Sign in to Chrome on your computer. Save passwords to your Google Account. If Offer to save passwords is on, you'll be prompted to save your password when you ...

What is Google FRP?

2024年5月9日 — The FRP provides a built-in security feature you are able to use that protects your device and information, including screen locks and data ...

跨裝置使用密碼- Android

如果想在不同裝置上使用Google 帳戶所儲存的密碼登入應用程式和網站,請採取下列任一行動: 在Android 裝置上開啟Chrome 同步功能在電腦上登入Chrome 將密碼儲存 ...